Friday 17 April 2015

How to Cleanse Your Face Like a Pro!

If you are like me, before I studied Beauty Therapy I used to just slap on some cleanser in the shower and was done with it. I had no idea just how wrong I was doing it. We should all in fact be doing 3 cleanses per day. And no I am not talking about running to the bathroom during your lunch break to cleanse your face. Ideally you would do one cleanse in the morning and then two in the evening. Follow these simple instructions to achieve clean and glowing skin!

Step One: Remove your make-up
Soak x3 cotton pads in make-up remover. Place a cotton pad over eye area and hold for a few seconds to let the make-up remover dissolve your eye make-up. Gently wipe down and across, repeat until all eye make-up is removed. Repeat on other eye. Use your third cotton pad to remove any lip products you have on.

Step Two: First cleanse
Use either a pre cleansing solution (good for heavy make-up wearers) or your normal cleanser. Dampen face and then massage cleanser in circular motions all over face, neck and décolletage (top of chest). Make sure you circle upwards and you do not want to be dragging your skin downwards. Lastly rinse away the cleanser. This first cleanse removes any make-up, dirt and excess oil that is on the skin.

Step Three: Second cleanse
Apply cleanser to dampened skin and repeat cleansing technique as mentioned above. Because you have already done your first cleanse this time the cleanser really has the opportunity to work thoroughly and treat your skin.

Step Four: Exfoliate (2-3 times per week)
How you use your exfoliator will depend on what type you are using (e.g. granular, enzymatic). If you are using a granular exfoliator you should generally apply to a dampened face and massage over the face and décolletage for about 1 minute. Don’t forget to massage in upward circular motions! Enzymatic exfoliators generally have specific instructions for use so be sure to check before applying.

Step Five: Facial Mask (2-3 times per week)
Apply face mask to face and décolletage area. Allow to set – leave on for the recommended time depending on the mask you are using. Be sure to check product instructions. Removing face masks is not the easiest thing to do particularly when they have set to your face like a cement sheet. To make the process quicker and easier, use two dampened facial sponges. Make sure one is wrung all the way out and the other damp. Wipe the more dampened one over and area and follow with dryer other one. This helps to remove the mask easily and avoid having to scrub and tug at the skin. You can also follow with a wet facewasher to make sure there is no product left on the skin.

Step Six: Apply toner
Soak a cotton pad in facial toner and apply all over face and décolletage.
Step Seven: Serums
Apply a few drops of your favourite serums and dab onto the areas you want to treat whether that be wrinkles and fine lines, pigmentation, sensitivity, etc. Remember not to overlap your serums.

Step Eight: Moisturise
Pretty self-explanatory! Look out for those SPF levels to be sure you are protecting yourself from the sun. If your moisturiser does not contain any SPF protection you may want to look into using a facial sunscreen as well.

I hope you found this helpful, thanks for reading xx

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